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my media usage- Part 2

Bellow is my media usage over three days 26th-28th:


After analysing my media usage over 72 hours I’m now going to explore my findings and discuss the challenges I faced throughout the process. To conduct the log I noted all my media usage on my notes page on my phone when I encountered it, therefore to be able to copy everything back up onto my log/table at the end of each day. I found this the easiest way to note my usage to remember all the media activity during the days accurately. I found a variety of findings from the log, the primary factor however is that I have routine of media usage that I repeat every day without fail. Turning off my alarm on my phone and scrolling through all my social media so to see what I’ve missed over the time of being asleep. I also do the same before I go to bed. I also check my emails at least once a day and keep on top of them being organised with every notification that come onto my phone. This is a routine that I follow everyday- not necessarily at the same time but I always repeat this routine.

Secondly I also found that I don’t encounter a lot of advertisements; none however that registered enough for me to note down exactly. The ones I did recognise were the billboard adverts and things I was interested in, whereas adverts on TV breaks for a period of time I didn’t register and take into account due to the amount of adverts one after the other. I also realised how rare it is that I watch live TV shows, instead I watch shows on catch up, or Netflix to skip advertisements and being able to watch shows and films without the interruption of ad breaks. This is something that I recognised after being home for the weekend noticing how much live TV my parents engage in, whereas I and my brother watch all our shows on streaming sites.

From my findings I think this log is more of a basic outline of my media usage, this is due not being able to note every time I responded to a message or scrolled down my timeline on Facebook for example. It becomes unrealistic to be able to note down every aspect of media I am involved with daily. Therefore the log highlights my main routine within media, as well as other aspects of entertainment media I divulge in, such as watching TV or Netflix etc. I feel the log provides a variety of media platforms I used and clear examples of how much it surrounds the everyday person without us even processing the idea. From the log it has allowed me to also gain an idea of the different types of media usage dependant on age and gender, such as paying more attention to my parents and younger brother’s media usage while I visited home. In the next entry I will analyse and evaluate my log further.

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